Pictured here are two turtles out on a tree limb together, doing what turtles do, without a care in the world. Relaxed and enjoying the day, one of them decided to climb out on a limb and the other agreed to follow. At some point, they will climb down slowly, because that is the only speed turtles have, and go forage for some bugs and plants to eat. Until then, they are perfectly happy to be where they are!
Most of this is an inference on my part, saying what seems to be. But it illustrates the finest advice that the Bible can give us. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5) Jesus gave an invitation to live by this advice in Proverbs when He said, “Follow Me!” “For whoever wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24) That invitation encapsulates the life of the believer, to deny his or her own inclinations and override them with obedience to Christ. We follow Him wherever He decides to take us, perhaps even going out on a limb, so to speak.
Portraying Himself as “The Good Sheperd,” Jesus tells us, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them and they follow Me.” (John 10:27) Exactly how do we hear the voice of Jesus and follow Him, since He now sits at the right-hand of God?
The Holy Spirit is the Person of God that Jesus sent to always be with us, ensuring His presence will remain even though He did not. “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever, that is the Spirit of Truth…” (John 14:16) The word “helper” is the translation of the Greek word “parakletos.” It also means, “the one assigned to mankind,” “intercessor,” “consoler,” “advocate,” and “comforter.” All these descriptions of the Holy Spirit tell us the nature of His agency. He has been sent to help mankind and answer those who seek Heaven’s help. Why would we want to attempt living in this world alone when Jesus has so generously bid His Spirit to come to us?
Many people attempt to lean on their own understanding and make decisions without the help of the Holy Spirit because, like the turtles in the picture, they consider answers from God to be too slow. Yes, it seems easier and quicker to make our own snap decisions. But do those decisions take into consideration unforeseen circumstances, or all the angles or unreliable information? Do quick decisions bring about the most desirable outcome? From my experience, I say absolutely not. Most likely, you will have regrets if you live by your own instincts.
God’s answers may seem slow to us because we want them to be instant. We want our pain ended, the situation to be over and our needs to be met. In His own way, God’s timeliness is undeniable, trustworthy and true. We simply need to get used to holding ourselves back, denying self, and wait for God to lead us or speak to us. This means suppressing our own objections that convince us to decide for ourselves.
Instead, wait and watch and pray for the Holy Spirit’s communication of God’s will for you. It will be good, right and He will make your path straight. No regrets! You will be at ease, at peace and your needs will be generously supplied. Amen.